Senin, 19 Januari 2015


Today, Indonesia is one of the biggest muslim contry. They live in one country that many cultures and religions. There are hindust, buddist, , and konghuchu. Islam and christians are two bigger religion than hindust, buddist and konghuchu. Than konghuchu is the last religion in indonesia. If we look to indonesian, they live balency and harmony. Although, sometime have many problems. But, it is just a moment.
Islam as a majority religion  people of indonesian can bring peace and harmony in daily life. As a religion, islam can’t bring change to them. They only do ritual, but  they don’t applicate the esensial of belief. That’s stanges, islam as is a religion which brighting the world but Indonesian moslem are traping in the ritual. They are fool, poor, and stupid.
If we read the story of islam we must find the reason why muslim indonesian like above. So many sekte, beliefe, and mazhab. In order that make jamaah confused to choose beliefe of islam. And in the future if they don’t change they thinking, so they will fool again.  

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